During my year in graduate school for journalism in Chicago, the print and television sections were like the Jets and the Sharks.
The newspaper students were a bit brainier but more reclusive. My TV colleagues were charismatic and aggressive but, as a whole, not as well read or attentive to detail.
On Fridays after class, the printies finished their drinks at the bar at a reasonable hour and went home at a responsible time. The broadcast folks stayed longer into the night to debate politics and contemplate big dreams, and strolled into classes late the next morning.
The print folks always seemed prepared for in-class debates about media ethics, but the broadcast students often scored stronger points with their confident yet succinct arguments.
TV folks called newspaper reporters "print dinosaurs"; The printies derided us as "Ron Burgundy wanna-bees."
Each side had some fair points to make.
The rivalry was healthy and the competition was fun, but above all, I took away the importance of both mediums in a rapid 24-hour news cycle. As a professor told me once, no one remembers reading about September 11th or an election night. But you probably shouldn't watch TV if you're looking for an in-depth piece on stem cell research or the intricacies of campaign finance reform.
For the past five years at Ky3, I've tried to tap all mediums -- print, video, audio -- to bring informative, fast-breaking, thought-provoking political news to the Ozarks and beyond. So many people have been so generous with their time, knowledge and most importantly their "scoops" about Missouri politics.
In a few weeks, I'll take everything the Show-Me state "showed me" to a new job as a national politics reporter at POLITICO in Washington, D.C.
This decision was not as easy as it might sound. Leaving TV for a print/online media job did leave me with questions. "How will I survive without the little old ladies at the check-out counter at Wal-Mart not recognizing me?"
Yes, TV serves as an ego boost. I'd be less than candid, shall we say "political", to claim otherwise. (Yes, I'll probably always be a TV guy in my heart, but hopefully one who can hold his own writing once in awhile;)
But a shot at covering national politics is an offer I couldn't refuse.
There are so many people I need to thank, but most of them I can't name here, because they gave me treasure troves of information, tips and guidance "off the record" each day or over drinks at night. (Remember I am a TV guy at heart) You know who you are.
And to (some of) the critics, thanks for keeping tabs and keeping me honest. There will be more occasions to do so.
To be clear, I'll still be covering Missouri politics, just at a different venue, and in addition to other 2010 hotspots. But you can bet our 2010 U.S. Senate race and top U.S. House contests will get my fair share of attention in my new assignment.
I'll finish my tenure at Ky3 on December 29th.
As for my beloved KY3 Political Notebook, details are still hazy for its future. (I hope they become clearer in the weeks ahead.)
But I'll be reporting and blogging through the end of the year, so if you're out there and got something -- call me with a going away scoop!
The Van Dillens are really proud of you. After our trip to Hawaii, casual lunches, nights out for drinks, the best New Year's Eve ev-ah, and many long nights covering politics, breaking news and boring news together, we wish you well. We owe you at least two trips to your new destination, so put it on the calendar. Good job, good luck! We'll miss our colleague and dear friend!
Politico is my fave cap hill paper... I think you will fit in well with their edgy style of reporting Congressional politics.
I wish you success in your new endeavor!
You shop at Wal-Mart?!
Look forward to seeing you in D.C., Dave :)
Congratulations Dave, that is terrific. I look forward to seeing your stuff on Politic, a site I already check daily.
I greatly appreciated the work that you did. You certainly deserve a reputation of being a very hard working and passionate reporter. You raised the bar in Springfield political coverage and we will miss you.
Best Regards,
Eric Burlison
Congradulations on the move, I hope you enjoy the change. And thanks for giving my presence in the 7th Congressional race a fair shake in your reporting. I have enjoyed hitting your blog each day in my daily prep.
Dean Moore
You will definitely be missed. It was obvious that with your talents and skills, that some BIG company would scoop you up.
Good luck and don't forget us.
Sherry Haney
When Jason shut down his blog and moved to Nashville to start a new blog (deleting his Life Of Jason blog before he went -- wjat a shame), I didn't fret because I knew our baby faced reporter was still in the hunt and would give us the inside scoop on all the news that's fit to print and then some.
Now, he's leaving the Ozarks and flyover land for the Washington.
Please don't delete this blog. There is a lot of good reference material in here.
Has it been five years? Wow, time flies when you are having fun!
Best of Luck in the new digs, I'll be looking for your by-line.
A mistake you are making! Catch on the Internet never will.
Good luck Dave! We will miss your reporting.
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