Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Blunt and Nixon Tight in New Poll

A new Rasmussen poll gives Gov. Matt Blunt an insignificant one-point edge over likely Democratic opponent Jay Nixon in Missouri's race for Governor.

Matt Blunt 44%
Jay Nixon 43%

A month ago, Nixon held a 3-point edge. If you're a Republican, you've gotta be pretty happy with a virtual tie right now.

Bekah Cooper of Missourians for Matt Blunt is sure touting the results. In an e-mail today, Cooper called the poll "significant" because it is the first public poll to show Gov. Blunt in the lead.

"Obviously, polls bounce back and forth and will continue to do so over the next few months as Blunt and Nixon are neck and neck, but public polls are consistently showing improvement for Gov. Blunt," Cooper said. "We expect this trend to continue as more and more Missourians see and experience the positive changes under Gov. Blunt’s leadership," she added.

Rasmussen reports, "Blunt now leads by four among men while trailing by two among women. Blunt does better with Married voters and those with Children at Home. Among unaffiliated voters, it’s a toss-up."

41% of Missouri voters say Blunt is doing a good or an excellent job.

Is this race bound to be a McCaskill-Talent II? Close down to the wire?

If so, why am I already tired of the hyper-partisan releases from both sides?


James said...

My feeling is that Nixon will win by 4 to 5 at the end. I always predicted something like 52% nixon 47% blunt

Brendan Kane said...

My feeling is that Nixon is probably pretty worried right now. Blunt's numbers have been consistently rising. The upcoming session will give him a chance to higlight all the ways that Nixon is wrong for Missouri. As other questions in this survey noted, Missourians are strongly against new taxes and illegal immigration- two issues that Nixon is on the wrong side of.

Unknown said...

Once again, the Media is jumping way ahead.

Their will be a primary and it might not be Blunt vs. Nixon. Blunt will be facing Republican Anthony Ince August 2008. Lets see a primary poll before we start tring to predict the General.

Unknown said...

Once again, it appears people are iggnoring the primary election. Nixon and Blunt both will face primary challengers.

What about a primary poll? Blunt will be challenged by Republican Anthony Ince in August 2008. We need not overlook the primary, because it may not be a Blunt Vs. Nixon General election. I could be Ince Vs. Nixon.