Monday, June 12, 2006

It's The Tone, Stupid.

Spending the weekend back on the east coast, I actually got to get the newsprint of some of the major dailies on my hands. With all the power and convenience of the internet, I still love holding and folding a paper.

Anyway, Sunday's Washington Post devoted most of its "Outlook" section to the debate in the Democratic party about how to return to power. Michael Grunwald's story covers a lot of turf. He spins off the argument about why Democrats have problems in rural areas, by referencing a recent article by writer Jeffrey Goldberg:

"This is the main conceit of Goldberg's article: it starts with Teresa Heinz Kerry urging a group of Missouri farmers to go organic. "It's a tone thing," U.S. Senate candidate Claire McCaskill told Goldberg. "It's the 'We know better' thing."

McCaskill has seemed to gotten the message, pledging to work hard in the rural areas to neutralize Senator Jim Talent's support. Yet still other Democrats argue she shouldn't waste her time, and should focus on big turnout in liberal strongholds, like St. Louis and Kansas City.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for perpetuating a double standard with this sort of shoddy journalism. You know very well that when Jim Talent makes campaign stops in St. Louis or Kansas City not a drop of ink will be spilled by the media to cover a phony "debate" about whether Talent is "wasting his time" in such places.

You'd think --at minimum-- the mainstream press would refuse to buy wholesale into the this cycle's GOP election year narrative.

Anonymous said...

McCaskill is at the least interesting in her approach, after all, turnout aside, it's the 20% non-party voters who will decide the election. The difficult part is deciding her core. Will this independence continue if she is elected or will she as others (aka Roy Blunt) seek party approval and power.