"We proudly and enthusiastically support Vicky Hartzler as a champion of free enterprise and Missouri values. She is a rising star who can do so much to fix what is broken in Washington," said Phyllis Schlafly.
"When it mattered the most, Vicky Hartzler stood up to protect marriage from activist state and federal judges, and Missouri values won the day. She is the only candidate for this position with a proven record of protecting families from job-destroying tax increases. She is a devoted parent and wife, a strong partner in her family’s farm and business, an experienced classroom teacher, and a great supporter of their church and community. Eagle Forum is honored to be on the Hartzler team for nomination in August and election in November," added Schlafly.
Hartzler said she was grateful for the Eagle Forum's support in a race where "I sometimes feel like David going against Goliath."
"Phyllis Schlafly’s courage and success in standing up for what’s right for our great nation have always been a great inspiration to me," she said. "I welcome Eagle Forum’s help in putting our state and nation back on the right track."
Hartlzer is battling Sen. Bill Stouffer and various other candidates for the 4th District GOP nomination for the right to take on Democratic Congressman Ike Skelton.
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