Saturday, August 11, 2007

Huckabee's Straw Poll Speech

Mike Huckabee just got done with his Ames Straw poll speech.

Fortunately, Marc Ambinder over at The Atlantic Monthly blog circle, has excerpts:

Key lines:

"A Republican in Arkansas feels about as out of place as Michael Vick at the Westminister Dog Show.

"I can't buy you. I don't have the money. I can't even rent you. But today, the straw poll is a day that change all of that. The straw poll is not about electing a straw man. It's giving the voters of Iowa a chance to prove that they are mature voters.... who understand that they are buying the cereal, not just the box."

Biggest applause line: "We need to go to a fair tax that is so simple a seven year old running a lemonade stand could understand it."

By the way, click HERE to get Ambinder's play-by-play of all that goes down in Ames today.

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