Monday, June 11, 2007

NPR: Rural Vote No Longer Republican Lock

From NPR:

A new national poll indicates rural Americans are no longer reliably Republican, and the Bush administration's conduct of the war in Iraq seems mainly to blame.

Is there a similar trend in rural southwest Missouri?

The anti-war group Americans Against Escalation in Iraq is trying to point to one.

In a release today, the group cited an AP story that notes "growing concern with the Iraq war in the Bootheel." "The congresswoman who represents the district, Jo Ann Emerson . . . says it is clear that even in her rural district, patience is running thin."

(Image provided by Americans Against Escalation in Iraq)


James said...

While rural voters lean GOP, and Urban voters lean DEM, I think the rural-urban split is overall exgerrated.

Example: Maricopa County Arizona leans Republican and is urban, while Apache County Arizona is Democratic-leaning yet rural. In Oklahoma, Democrats often find more success in rural then Urban Areas.

In Missouri, Democrats NEED rural voters to win statewide. When A Democrat wins in Missouri now adays, it is for one of two reasons. 1) High turnout and vote totals in St Louis City, County, Jackson County. 2) Urban Support plus GOP margins down in rural areas.

For Missouri Democrats to be succesful, they NEED to court rural voters. McCaskill understood that and that is why she won. Susan Montee did especially well with rural voters, and won the remainder of the state outside of Jackson County and the city and county of St Louis.


PatrickB said...

As far as I know, my friends in the Bootheel of Missouri are strongly Democratic to start with.

-- PatrickB