Friday, January 05, 2007

John Harwood on McCaskill

Wall Street Journal-CNBC political bigfoot John Harwood said he didn't think Democrats like Claire McCaskill would use the power of the purse to spur a confrontation with the G.O.P. and President Bush over the war in Iraq.

Harwood on CNBC Thursday:

"I don't think that's going to happen. I talked to Claire McCaskill, new Democratic senator from Missouri, a very moderate state, conservative state in some ways. She said, `We couldn't cut off funding because it wouldn't work and the administration could move money around. We're not going there.' Now the problem for Democrats, of course, is they're going to face tremendous pressure from their base to try to do something and act in a firmer way. You may have seen, Larry, yesterday, Rahm Emanuel, the very sharp Democratic head of the recent 2006 campaign getting shouted down by Cindy Sheehan and war protesters yesterday as he tried to fashion a news conference. We're going to see leading protests tomorrow outside a speech by Joe Lieberman and John McCain. So there's a lot of pressure going to come from the Democratic base. Not sure how Democrats are going to handle that."

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