Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Blunt on Minimum Wage

House Republican Whip Roy Blunt has come out against legislation that would raise the federal minimum wage without increasing protections for small businesses.

"The last thing Congress should do is pass legislation that imposes an unfunded mandate on small businesses that employ millions of American workers and are the backbone of our economy," Blunt said in a statement.

"Small businesses create good jobs, and often provide families with health care and other essential benefits. Congress has an obligation to protect job creators and the workers they employ by ensuring that any effort to raise the minimum wage is balanced with protections that enable employers to continue to provide jobs and benefits for workers," Blunt said.

"As Senate Democrat leaders have agreed, these protections are critical for moving a minimum wage increase. A number of House Democrats have voted in the past for these important worker protections. It is my hope that the same group puts partisanship aside, agrees with their Senate colleagues, and votes to protect workers and job creators."

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