Tuesday, April 03, 2007

WP Cillizza: Huckabee Gets an "F"

The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza offers up report cards for the 2008 presidential candidates based on their first quarter fundraising totals.

Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney get A's.

But former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee gets an "F."

"Former Gov. Mike Huckabee (Ark.): The tale of Huckabee's presidential run is one of missed opportunities. Over the last six months of 2006, social conservatives seemed ready to get excited about one of their own, but Huckabee did next to nothing to build a campaign organization that could take advantage of this energy. And, by raising $500,000 over the first three months of the year, Huckabee seems to have cemented his status as an also-ran in 2008."

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