Thursday, April 05, 2007

Bond on Iraq: We'll Know in Several Months

Sen. Kit Bond said political leaders will know in "several months" whether the escalation of U.S. troops into Iraq is working and if Iraqis can govern their country themselves.

"If they are not ready to do that, General Petraeus said he would tell us, he will know in several months, whether there is a possibility. If he cannot do it, then we will implement Plan B," Bond said.

In an energized response to questions about the war in a press conference earlier this week, Sen. Bond strongly defended the war and dared Democrats to cut off funding for the troops in the field.

But Bond got animated when I asked him how long he was willing to support President Bush on the war in Iraq.

"As long as General Petraeus and the people who are in charge of the war say that we are making progress, I'm going to support it," Bond responded. "General Petraeus has gone in with a new plan. They're bringing the Iraqi forces up, they're training them. The training is going well there. The Sunni tribal leaders are now coming to us, asking to get their local guys trained as police to come back and maintain peace in their area. That's a good move," Bond added.

Bond said the alternative -- to cut and run -- would be a disaster. He then said U.S. troops were battling Al-Qaeda in Iraq. "Unfortunately if we walk away in the battle against Al-Qaeda, and its affiliated organizations, this will follow us home. We do not have a choice."

Bond said a withdrawal now would inflame violence between Sunni and Shia. "That's going to create chaos which will allow Al-Qaeda to re-establish a training base and have a safe haven from which to operate against their enemies, including the U.S," he said.

Catanese - But Sunnis and Shia are already killing each other at a rate of 100 a day?
Bond - I know they've been doing that and Saddam Hussein was doing worse. It is ugly. NO war goes according to plan. Do you have a better plan? I haven't seen a better plan.

Catanese - What if the Iraqis are never ready to standup and govern their own country?
Bond - If they are never ready to do that, General Petraeus said he would tell us , he will know within several months whether there is a possibility. If he cannot do it, then we will implement a Plan B. But right now the General deserves to have our support and not have people seeking political cover because the left wing groups like, who don't like the military, don't like war, are saying you've got to get out.

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