Thursday, January 04, 2007

Will House Halt Missouri Pay Hikes?

Rep. J.C. Kuessner has filed a resolution calling on the General Assembly to reject pay hikes for lawmakers, judges and statewide elected officials.

The state Salary Commission recommended 5 to 8 percent raises for state employees. The legislature can override that recommendation with a two-thirds majority vote in both chambers.
At a news conference on Wednesday, House Speaker Rod Jetton vowed to bring the matter to a vote in the House of Representatives. Jetton also indicated he believed the proposed hike was too much.

"I am encouraged by Speaker Jetton's public pledge that legislation to stop this pay hike will be debated and voted upon and not be allowed to quietly die in committee," said Kuessner, D-Eminence in a press release today. "Taxpayers are entitled to know where their elected representatives stand on boosting their on salaries."

In addition to promising action on the measure, Jetton, R-Marble Hill, also said he would personally support blocking the pay recommendations.

Under the Missouri Constitution, the General Assembly has until Feb. 1 to reject the Salary Commission's recommendations or they automatically take effect.

Here's a breakdown of the pay hikes officials received if not rejected by lawmakers:

Governor 5 percent Lt. Governor 5.6 percent
Attorney General 5.2 percent State Auditor 5.3 percent
Secretary of State 5.3 percent State Treasurer 5.3 percent

Representatives 8 percent Senators 8 percent

Supreme Court Judges 5 percent Court of Appeals Judges 5.1 percent
Circuit Judges 5.2 percent Associate Circuit Judges 7.4 percent

Kuessner's resolution is HCR 3.


boyd said...

Please stay after this one David. I want to know if these cowards will vote on this or do the usual duck and lie. I love how they call it "public service". My dad used to use the word "service" when he turned a cow in with the bull. I think it probably means the same thing.

Truth Hurts said...

Jetton got caught with his paws in the cookie jar. Nice work Rod.