Saturday, January 06, 2007

Ponder This

Weekend Musings:

*Ozarks cattle farmers are up in arms about their drought relief checks from the federal government. One Polk County couple calls the assistance "a slap in the face." Missouri got $2.7 million dollars out of a $50 million dollar pot from Washington. But did farmers really deserve more, and if so, then who is to blame? Watch my KY3 News @ 10 story HERE.

*Conservative Tony Blankley of the Washington Times calls Republican Congressman Eric Cantor of Virginia "the most honest politician of 2006" because of his decision to stay loyal to Rep. Roy Blunt, rather than challenge him for the Minority Whip post. Blankley's comments came on The McLaughlin Group: "(Cantor) promised he would support Roy Blunt for Whip. His own members were urging him to break his word and run. He would've won. He could be in leadership, but he gave it up to be honest."

*While Iraq will continue to dominate the 2007 agenda, will an economic downturn become the sleeper issue of the new year? The Center for Economic and Policy Research predicts unemployment will spike to 6.3% by year-end 2007. The main cause? A weak housing market.

*Governor Matt Blunt will give his third State of the State address on Jan. 24th at 7 p.m. He's urging TV stations across the state to carry it live. KY3 is weighing the option. Should we broadcast it live? Would anyone bother to watch if we did? Should viewership/ratings even be a factor in the decision?


Busplunge said...

Matt Blunt has been such a disappointment as governor that I don't care to watch him speak at all.

Busplunge said...

I'd rather watch Earl.

SCz. said...

I agree with busplunge in that I am not crazy about our Governor and that I would rather watch something else. At the same time, though, the speech will be directly dealing with issues about our state. The information will have an impact on us. I see importance in airing the speech, but when it comes to ratings, I am sure that it won't be the most popular thing on tv during that time slot. It's a tough choice. If it is not aired live, it might be good to have it recorded and shown at another time slot just for the sake of those who will want to watch it.