Friday, November 03, 2006

Blogging the President's Speech Live

If you missed any part of it, watch it now.

10:00 am - Recounts story on trip he took to Graceland with Japanese prime minister. Talking about peace and working together to secure peace. Something happened between WWII and 2006 when I'm on plane talking about working together to send message to North Korea vs. nuclear war or vs. AIDS in Africa or how to work together to feed hungry. Japan adopted a Japanese style democracy. Liberty can change enemy into ally. A generation of Americans will be better off for it.

If you want low taxes and a strong economy, vote Republican and send Jim Talent back to the U.S. Senate. If you want the country to give the professionals the tools they need to protect you, vote Republican and send Jim Talent back to the U.S. Senate.

God bless America.

9:55 - Part of our plan is to send Jim Talent back to the U.S. Senate. Retreat would embolden the enemy. Leaving would give the enemy a new safe haven to plot further attacks. It would dash the hopes of millions in the middle east who want to live in peace. Consequences of retreat would be felt for generations. The enemy expects us to lose our nerve. I clearly see the threats facing a generation of Americans. That is why we still stay, fight and win in Iraq. (cheers)

9:50 - I believe one day Iraq will be a government of, by and for the people unless we leave before the job is done. That's the only way we will lose. Listen to Dems' plans.. don't listen too long because they don't have one. They don't have a plan to win this important front in the war on terror. They will leave before the job is done. They're not unpatriotic. I'm just saying they're wrong. If you bump into a Dem candidate, what's your plan (on Iraq, homeland security, terrorist surveillance, et al.) Truth is Dems can't answer that question. Second guessing is not a strategy.

9:45 - Iraq is not the reason why the terrorists are at war against us. Remind people we were not in Iraq when they attacked the WTC in 1993 or on 9/11. Best way to protect you is to defeat them overseas. Our goal in Iraq is victory. We will not run in the face of thugs and assasins.

9:41 - Talking about tools to fight terror, surveillance program, detainee questioning. We need people in the Congress who understand the stakes of this war. We need to make sure our professionals have the necessary tools to do so. That's why you need to send Jim Talent back to the Senate. Every day this country is on offense against those who would do you harm. One of the lesson of 9/11, is when we see a threat, we've got to take that threat serioulsy before it materializes.

9:37 - Send him to the Senate and we'll keep your taxes low. Did we do everything in our power to fight and win the war on terror? We are at war. We face an enemy that is brutal, determined to inflict damage on America becuase of what we stand for. They have an ideology. It is the opposite of ours. They don't believe in basic freedoms. The best way to protect you is to stay on offense and bring them to justice before they can hurt you again. The enemy has to be right one time. We got to be right 100% of the time in order to protect you.

9:32 - We cut the deficit in half three years ahead of schedule. All those forecasts by Dems turned out to be wrong. Dems don't want you to know where they stand on taxes. {Pelosi said} "We love tax cuts. Given her record, she must be a secret admirer."
They voted against tax cuts. If that's their definition of love, I sure would hate to see what hate looks like. If we don't make tax cuts permanent, you get a tax increase. They don't have plans to keep tax cuts in place. This is a big issue in this campaign (It is? I thought it was Jim Talent voting himself a pay raise and McCaskill taking money from nursing homes).

9:28 - Nature of our judiciary. My job is to pick judges who will strictly interpret the law and not legislate from the bench. (cheers) When you go to the polls, you vote to determine what kind of judges will sit on the bench. If the Dems control the Senate (which they're not), they would prevent judges from Sam Alito and John Roberts from ever making it to the Supreme Court of the United States. Talent strong voice for judicial restraint... strong advocate for Alito & Roberts. We believe you can spend your money better than the federal government can. Democrats want to raise your taxes because they believe they can spend your money better than you can. (This is a lot like his Montana speech Thursday). You don't want philosophers representing you; you want do-ers.

9:25 - "We've done some things to make this country a better place" Less dependent on foreign oil.. delivered for Missouri farmers.. if the farm economy is good, the national economy is good. Farmers and ranchers need to send this man to the U.S. Senate. Jim Talent is a friend of the small business owner. Bush references small business health insurance plan Talent pushed when he was in the House. Tough anti-meth legislation.

9:22 - "I want to thank an effective senator for joining us today." (Kit Bond) Talent is a "man of character, good idea and because you're going to help turn out the vote to get him elected." Sprint to the finish line. "The pundits have already decided who's going to win. They forgot the people of Missouri haven't voted yet. "

9:20 - Laura and the Talent family get props from the president. "This boy's son." in referencing the governor.

9:18 - "It won't be my last visit." "Need good, decent down to earth and talented" senator needed in this state.

9:17 - Talent introduces the President. It's casual Friday.

9:11 - Rep. Roy Blunt & Sen. Jim Talent lead the pack with "Eye of the Tiger."

9:02 am - James Brown, Twisted Sister, House of Pain -- Republicans have eclectic music tastes in their warm-up arrangement.

Since David is out covering the President's rally, we'll be blogging the remarks live. Of course, every station will be carrying the speech.

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