Monday, August 07, 2006

Schoolcraft Waits in the Wings

Democrat Jamie Schoolcraft may not have a competitive primary Tuesday night. But the way he's working and campaigning, you'd think the general election was this week.

Most of the action in the #139th Tuesday night will be on the Republican side, and most likely, Schoolcraft will be paying just as much attention to the G.O.P. outcome as to his own.

Schoolcraft's campaign website is thorough and detailed. A paramedic supervisor and volunteer Willard firefighter, Schoolcraft has ways for you to phone bank or request a yard sign right on his homepage. But he also quickly outlines 5 things a government should provide: healthcare, education, good paying jobs, shelter and food.

"Most of the elected officials do not know what it is like to be poor and to struggle to meet the bills. I remember what it is like and I won‘t forget. I will think of those struggles every time before I vote," Schoolcraft writes.

But Schoolcraft really dives into the heart of some issues on his "vision" page.

He clearly opposes the recent Medicaid cuts and says they will drive up healthcare costs. Schoolcraft's solution: expanding co-pays . . . "A better solution would be to expand the co-pay system and help people get the care they need without resorting to expensive emergency room visits."

He opposes the education foundation funding formula, because he says it's not fully funded. He calls for closing tax loopholes to help fund schools. Schoolcraft supports raising the minimum wage, but doesn't give an exact number. He wants to bring back a food program that was cut last year for low-income seniors, and calls for tax-credits for volunteer firefighters.

Schoolcraft pledges his full support for the second amendment but is a bit more ambiguous on the abortion issue. Is it too risky to say you are pro-choice in the 139th?

"I believe that increasing funding for family planning and adoption programs is the best way to decrease the number of abortions. It would be a great day in this country if there was never another abortion," Schoolcraft writes.

Overall, Schoolcraft is a well-organized candidate who is serious about ideas. His campaign website is worth a read for any voter in the 139th. He has 7 pages of pictures, and multiple ways to get involved if you want to.

"I think we're going to make it a competitive race," Schoolcraft told me last week. "People are excited that there's going to be competitive Democrat on the ballot."

Schoolcraft faces Arthur Hodge Sr. in the Democratic primary. The winner will take on the Republican who emerges from the 139th primary . . . Shane Schoeller, Joe Pyles or Karen Roark.


tom said...

I guess the Libertarian candidate in this race is nothing to worry about, therefore we can ignore his presence.

tom said...

I guess we can ignore the Libertarian candidate in this race, after all everyone knows the voter is so ill informed of the issues that very few of them actually know anything about the Libertarian candidate. Even our fly-by media hasn't even made an attempt to see what Mr Martz's ideas might consist of.