Monday, July 03, 2006

McCaskill In Willard Friday

Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Claire McCaskill will visit the Ozarks Friday, capping off a 2- day tour to unveil her plan on family farms.

According to the press release, McCaskill will talk about the "growing dominance of corporate agriculture, a new intrusive federal Animal ID program, unbalanced trade policies and increasing market consolidation and concentration."

And of course, she talk about how all of this is hurting the family farmer.

“Family farms are the backbone of our rural communities and economy,” said McCaskill in the release. “Unfortunately, they are increasingly being squeezed out by the big agriculture interests that dominate Washington."

Also from the release: "McCaskill’s plan to help Missouri family farms will feature detailed measures to protect local control for communities, halt a national animal ID program, create more open and competitive agriculture markets, and design a 2007 Farm Bill that helps family farms, not factory farms."

She'll kick off her plan in St. Joseph Tuesday and wind down at the Willard Recreation Center on Friday evening.

Just another part of McCaskill's big push for rural votes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Maybe you can ask her about this poll that shows Talent up by 5 points.

I doubt anyone will and I expect nothing but talking point to be re-iterated from the media, but hey, figured I would give it a shot.