Monday, July 03, 2006

Hagan Has Pics With Pujols!

Even Democrats admit legislative candidate Nancy Hagan will need all of the right political elements to converge in order to win Springfield's #135th district, but she's certainly known in the educational community.

Logon to her campaign website, and you'll find she's a retired music teacher, who served five different Springfield schools over her 31-year tenure.

Hagan lists the boilerplate issues almost mandatory for any Democrat to support . . . affordable healthcare, quality jobs, a clean environment. But there's no meat here. There's probably not a candidate in either party who doesn't support most of those issues. The divide comes when you talk about priorities and how you go about doing it. Unfortunately, most of the websites I've surfed so far focus on the "what" but leave out the "how."

The most interesting item on her page is a "news item" discussing how Missouri falls almost $9,000 short of the national average teacher salary of $38,971.

Hagan's also got some cool photos of her with Cardinals Albert Pujols and Scott Rolen. And she even tells you how to vote and . . . of course, how to contribute. Note: For those 14 and older, you can only give $325.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You say almost every candidate from either party supports the propositions on the web page. It would be more accurate to say almost every candidate from either party says they support the propositions. Unfortunately the voting records of the Republicans in the General Assembly demonstrates a huge gap between what they say and what they do. You cn't reconcile those statements with the actions of the Governor and the General Assembly over the last two years.