Thursday, August 30, 2007

Ozarks Values '08: Lola Butcher

Residence: Springfield
Occupation: Healthcare Trade Writer
Politics: Democrat

Lola Butcher is one of Governor Matt Blunt's neighbors with a pink sign in her yard supporting Planned Parenthood. With a daughter, "choice" is a big issue for her. She's unquestionably a "big liberal," and she's proud of it. But when making her choice for 2008, she's a pragmatist.

"Electability is huge for me this time," Butcher says. "I don't want to just throw away a vote. For that reason, I'm anti-Hillary."

Butcher is throwing her support behind Illinois Senator Barack Obama in the Democratic primary, even as she acknowledges his flaws. "His lack of experience is a big problem," she says.

Still, Obama inspires her rhetorically, whereas Hillary scares her electorally. "I don't think she can win, and I don't think John Edwards is electable either. While I think he's been courageous in talking about the 2-Americas, I just don't feel America wants to hear that," she says.

It's not that Butcher doesn't admire Clinton or Edwards, it's just that this year, she wants her candidate to win. Really bad.
So Butcher is willing to take a gamble on a black man. "I'd love to see a black man. Imagine the racial healing simply by having a black man in the White House," she says.

Who would've thought an "inexperienced" black man would be the "safest bet" for a liberal from Springfield?

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