Wednesday, April 04, 2007

John Bolton to Speak in the Ozarks

Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton will speak at College of the Ozarks in Point Lookout, Mo. next Thursday, April 12th.

Bolton will speak at the school's spring citizenship forum on the topic of terrorism. His speech is titled, "The Threat of Terrorism: Do Americans Really Understand?"

According to the college release, Bolton will talk about terrorism and civil strife and why they "continue to pose the biggest threat to political and economic stability around the world." Bolton will give an overview of worldwide trouble-spots and discuss how these areas could influence the political landscape in the United States.

Bolton will take questions from students. Media has been invited, but the forum, which begins at 6:30 p.m., is closed to the public.

1 comment:

ProgressiveVet said...

Closed to the public? (laugh) Figures.

Bush and his cronies can't get to close to a public forum because its just to difficult to answer all the questions, and to many cats get out of the bag.