Friday, March 30, 2007


The first quarter fundraising deadline for 2008 presidential candidates is less than 24 hours away.

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee is making the final push for cash, in his own version of the hit TV show "24," according to an e-mail to supporters.

"I know there are plenty of "doubting Thomases" who are skeptical of my chances to become President, but you need to know THE REST OF THE STORY," said Huckabee in an e-mail. "In a recent poll of Iowa GOP county chairs, I finished ahead of so-called "front-runners" Rudy Giuliani and John McCain in their picks of who they feel is "ahead." That's despite the millions others have spent hiring and organizing and with my limited visits so far there," he said.

"We are gaining serious traction in New Hampshire---a recent visit saw packed audiences who enthusiastically joined our team, with one long-time veteran of numerous political campaigns in the Granite State saying that she hadn't seen that kind of enthusiasm and interest in years," Huckabee added.

Saturday night marks the deadline for contributions that will be reported in the first quarter.

The federal maximum contribution is $2300 per person (or $4600 per couple) for the primary.

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