Saturday, September 02, 2006

Post-Dispatch Poll: It's Claire By 1

As if we needed more numbers to make the tracking of the U.S. Senate race any more confusing . . .

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch is out with a new Research 2000 poll that gives Democrat Claire McCaskill an insignificant one-point lead in her match-up with Senator Jim Talent.

McCaskill 47%
Talent 46%

Libertarian Frank Gilmour wins 2% of those polled and 5% remain undecided. 800 likely voters were polled between Aug. 28th and Aug. 31st. The margin of error is +/- 3.5 percentage points.

Talent has a 7 point edge among men; McCaskill leads by 9 among women.

Here in Southwest Missouri, Talent still beats McCaskill handily 57%-35%. McCaskill dominates the cities.

Biggest Issue? Iraq.

Post-Dispatch Political Correspondent Jo Mannies says Talent has chipped away at McCaskill's lead with his campaign ads. You can read her entire story here.

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