Friday, June 30, 2006

Rep. Denison: "Dedicated & Vigorous"

Logon to Rep. Charlie Denison's campaign website and you get a jolt of music out of a dramatic spy movie. Picture an action hero rounding dangerous corners trying to nab the evildoer. (At least that's what popped into my head.) It's music probably more modern than Rep. Viebrock's, but the intended message is clear . . . Charlie Denison is on the move!

Or maybe he just wants you to dance.

Either way, Denison's website opens with pictures of the #135 district legislator with John Ashcroft, schoolchildren and a veteran. One caption blares, "Dedicated & Vigorous."

Right on the homepage he lists his proudest moment as supporting the new stricter requirements for children in booster seats. All children under age 8 are now required to be placed in booster seats unless the child meets certain height and weight requirements. Denison helped sponsor a portion of the bill that was later merged into a final comprehensive bill.

He also says he helped get Springfield schools $300,000 more in funding through the new education formula. He does acknowledge that while he fought for 2 new Circuit Court judges, he fell short, because the bill died in the Senate.

On Rep. Denison's issue page he says he "supports wider access to health care while maintaining costs." That's a very general phrase. Does it indicate he supports restoring some of the Medicaid cuts made last year?

More than anything, Denison asks for your help . . . putting up signs, answering phones, raising money . . . Want to hold a coffee get together . . . call him! That's probably one of the top rules in politics . . . you gotta ask for help. Always ask. And on his site, Charlie is asking you for help everywhere you click.

In 2004, Denison won his primary by about 270 votes, 49% to 45%. He needed 3,889 votes to win. What will he need this time to beat G.O.P. challenger David Dunn?


Anonymous said...

I don't know if Dennison will win. However I would like a list of all voters that are convinced he is dedicated and vigorous. I have a bridge I would like to sell them.

Anonymous said...

He supported wide access to health care by taking health care away from 90,000 Missourians. An interesting approach. I wonder how many citizens would hav elost health care if he opposed wide access to health care.

A total of 55,000 children lost health care in our state in the last eighteen months. Many because of direct cuts by our legislature. Others because of the failure of our legislature to meaningfully address our state's health care crisis. Missouri's total uninsured population is now at 700,000 and has grown every year for many years. Great work Charlie!!!

Anonymous said...

Denison told KY3 that the Voter ID bill would "disenfranchise some people."

Denison added: “Yeah, it probably will and that's sad.” But he went ahead and voted for it. Good to know that ol' Charlie thinks it's all right to disenfranchise voters. Shows his contempt for the process.

Anonymous said...

Good "ole" Charlie, The Republican leadership probably hands him a piece of paper on how to vote on issues. He has no ideas what he is talking about when it comes to issues.

Anonymous said...

Denison has many things wrong on his website. One of the many is his taking credit for the stricter requirements for children in booster seats. His bill was replaced by one from Rep. St. Onge and Rep. Patricia Yeager. Does Mr. Denison know the truth or does he think we are stupid?

Anonymous said...

Like it or not, Charlie Denison is the only real Republican on the ticket in the 135th; Dunn is a Republican by name only. He even worked for Gov. Holden back in the day! Who would you rather have working for the 135th: a real Republican, or a donkey in an elephant costume?