Friday, June 30, 2006

Dems: Wright Is Wrong

The House Minority Communications Director says Rep. Mark Wright is wrong when he says Republicans invited Democrats to their initial press conference to propose a special session.

"Neither House Minority Leader Jeff Harris nor Assistant Minority Leader Paul LeVota - the top two House Democrats - received such an invitation," said Marc Powers, director of communications for House Democrats in an e-mail to me Friday. "They learned of Wright's news conference only after it happened."

On Wright's complaint that he hasn't been contacted by Democrats to sign their special session petition, Powers said that Democrats have been reaching out to House Republicans, through leadership, including House Speaker Rod Jetton. "While House Democratic leaders haven't yet personally contacted Rep. Wright on the issue, that doesn't mean there hasn't been outreach," Powers added.

In fact, Powers said a copy of the petition was delivered to Speaker Jetton immediately after it was drafted.

"As a matter of protocol in these situations, it generally is deemed inappropriate for the leadership of one party to directly contact rank-and-file members of the other party without first contacting that party's leadership," Powers said.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like Wright did right by supporting Doug Harpool's fee agent reform plan to give money from license offices to schools rather then the Governor's donors. The Governor got mad. Wright backed out of holding a press conference to support the reform. Now Wright is trying to make up the Governor's friends by making up something bad to say about Democrats. Does Wright have any credibility left with either side?

Anonymous said...

Typical Wright move. It's hard to talk out of both sides of your mouth and straddle the fence and not get your testicals envolved!!