Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Roy Proposes Joint Healthcare Presser with Robin

U.S. Senate candidate Roy Blunt personally invited his likely Democratic opponent Robin Carnahan to participate in a joint news conference this Thursday at 2:30 p.m. in Jefferson City.
"Everywhere I go, Missourians ask me about health care and express their concern about a government takeover of American health care. I believe the voters would benefit from a bipartisan, media-directed discussion of the many vital issues in the national debate on health care," Blunt said in a statement.
"As co-hosts, the two Senate candidates would make brief opening statements and then respond to the media's questions as they are posed, the standard format for news conferences," according to the format proposed by Blunt.
But asked if whether Carnahan would participate in such an event, spokesman Tony Wyche responded, "First things first. I think he should be first contacting Senator Chuck Purgason."
Wyche then indicated it was unlikely Carnahan would participate in such a joint appearance until after the Republican nominee is officially decided next August.
Back in February, when Sarah Steelman was still considered a likely U.S. Senate contender, the Carnahan camp gave a similiar answer.

1 comment:

gumshoe said...

First things first, Blunt needs to debate his primary opponent. The voters – be them Republican or not, need to hear it. It’s democracy.

Second, just because Robin does not have a primary opponent doesn’t mean Democrats are going to let her decide her stance on healthcare after August. We want you to firmly commit to a public option and refrain from statements such has, "I am open to it…. It depends what it looks like."

Robin, when you say public option, what do you mean? What gets to stay or go based on your assumptions or speculations? Tell us everytime your talking about health care what your definitions and assumptions are so we can know how viable your positions to us as Democrats are.

Would you fight for a public option or support it?

Are you willing to commit to the public option -- that is, will you commit to voting against any health care "reform" legislation that does not include a robust public option without triggers?

We demand you support and vote only for a strong health care reform bill which includes, access to health insurance for ALL Americans, no allowed exemptions or exceptions for pre-existing health conditions, major cost reductions in both insurance costs and medical care costs through system reforms, and most importantly, a strong PUBLIC OPTION plan similar to existing Medicare and Medicaid plans, which should be available as an alternative to for-profit health insurance to every American.

Otherwise, we wish you the best as you run your race with an unenergized base.