Monday, February 23, 2009

Wyche to Chrismer: Call Steelman For A Debate First

Robin Carnahan's spokesperson responds to Roy Blunt's campaign request for debates -- by offering them Sarah Steelman's number.
Blunt has challenged likely Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate Robin Carnahan to multiple debates around the state. Blunt wants at least television campaign forums.
"The idea I have is that we will meet together at least three times in 2009 for televised discussions in which we answer the media’s questions about our views and positions,” Blunt wrote in a letter to Carnahan. "I offer that we use the simple format of rotating questions and answers for broadcast use. If you prefer another format, I'm confident our campaigns could reach agreement in short order. We can then participate in traditional debates next year," Blunt went on.
"I think it would be wonderful to send a clear message to Missourians and the nation that you and I will have a campaign in which our positions are an open book from the start," enclosed Blunt.
Today, Carnahan spokesman Tony Wyche released this statement:
"I was quite surprised to receive a voicemail message earlier today from Rich Chrismer of Congressman Blunt’s campaign, who expressed a desire to discuss a plan for candidate forums. Assuming he had the wrong number, I returned his call and left him a message in which I offered to provide him with a telephone number for Sarah Steelman. I also told him that Robin Carnahan looks forward to debating whoever is the Republican nominee about the serious and important issues facing our country," Wyche said.

"Secretary Carnahan will gladly compare her record of standing up for Missouri’s families with that of the Republican nominee after the voters of their party have chosen their candidate. In the meantime, Secretary Carnahan looks forward to talking with the people of Missouri about the challenges facing our families, our state, and our country, and about the solutions that will get us back on the right track," Wyche added.


Unknown said...

I don't blame Robin, I would run from Roy too. Wonder what her excuse will be after the primary?

Old Dog said...

Sounds more like Blunt is afraid to face Sarah Steelman.