I get a lot of mail on a lot of different topics, but I don't often get such a devoted case for a candidate like . . . (drum roll) . . . Ron Paul.
Patricia Davis in Ava, Missouri writes:
"Ron Paul sticks out like a sore thumb among the Republican candidates because he’s a real conservative and not a boot licking, pro-torture, war mongering, free speech limiting neo-conservative. Recently, at the latest debate on the Fox News network, America witnessed what the Republican Party does to a candidate who simply states the facts."
"When Ron Paul suggested that international terrorism and 9/11 are a result of blowback from our fifty years of foreign intervention in the Middle East, plus a full decade of incessant bombing in Iraq, Rudy Giuliani jumped at the opportunity to wrap himself in the "9/11 Hero" cloak. Giuliani claimed that he had never heard that before, and it was absurd to say that terrorism and 9/11 are caused by our foreign policy."
"The 9/11 Commission is the official authority on what happened on 9/11 and its conclusion was that it was blowback from our Middle East foreign policy. But never mind that: This is Fox News and the Republican party we’re talking about. Who cares about facts? They obviously do not."
"Whatever the case, the pundits and talking heads are scrambling and trying to explain this phenomenon, but it’s pretty clear that the American people are sick and tired of establishment candidates that cater to special interest groups, lobbyists, and corporate cronyism."
"They started off by ignoring Ron Paul but after they saw that ignoring him wasn’t working they’ve set out on a campaign to eliminate the Texas candidate who comes with no strings attached and isn't afraid to speak the truth. We face a crisis that many people recognize but few understand. It’s time to take America back, and Ron Paul is the only Republican candidate who has unequivocally sworn allegiance to the Constitution and to serving the American people, not corporate America."
EDIT @ 2:13 a..m. . . . And THIS is how support for a longshot candidate like Paul gets drummed up. No money, no media. Hit up the blogs! Guess it's working. Anyone up for a Ron Paul MeetUp?
I agree wholeheartedly with what this person said. America has gotten into a dangerous habit of choosing their leaders based on who has the most money, who looks the most "presidential" and who has the best soundbite. Neither of those things make a leader.
I will be voting for Ron Paul in 2008.
Thank you for sharing. Your post started me in the direction of finding out more info about Ron Paul. All I can say is WOW! I finally have a reason to vote again! Everything he says is EXACTLY what I believe. If you are like me and countless others who are eagerly awaiting the day America gets back to its liberty-lovin' roots, then please support the patriot, Ron Paul.
Great article! Ron Paul vs Mike Gravel is the dream election. Vote RonPaul2008.notlong.com
Love it! This gentleman is exactly what this country needs. Let's get back to what the founding fathers created this country to be. I want to be able to say I'm proud to be an American again and Ron Paul's message is right on with what I want to see for this country.
Alls I can say is the Ron Paul kool-aid drinkers are very internet savvy. As a Republican I find his views on national security extremely troubling, he's running for the nomination of the wrong party. I just posted on another Libertarian Republican who is going to challenge Paul for his House seat. I wish him much luck.
Ron Paul is a breath of fresh air. He is the only conservative running. He's is pro-life and he understands the dangers of the military industrial complex---before you call me a kool-aid drinker go read Eisenhower's Farewell Adress. He knew what he was talking about. Springfield has got to stand up and support Ron Paul!
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