Thursday, August 02, 2007

Rt. 266 Plan Delayed; Schoeller Wins Points

A plan to re-locate and widen a portion of Route 266 in northwest Springfield has been delayed, in part because of outcry by the public at a meeting organized by State Rep. Shane Schoeller (R-#139).

The construction plan has become a political hot potato in Springfield because businesses along the current Route 266 worry their property values will plummet if the road is moved.

Watch my KY3 News @ 10 report HERE.

“Too many people had too many concerns that MoDOT officials couldn’t answer,” said Rep. Schoeller. “Delaying these projects is a wise step, one I’m pleased MoDOT has decided to take. Now, it’s my desire that property owners will have a chance to thoroughly voice their concerns, and MoDOT will have the time to adequately address those concerns and make adjustments, if needed, to the current plan.”

Rep. Schoeller called a meeting of residents, state and local officials this past Monday. Residents say that meeting was key in getting the plan delayed.

The plan was set to go to the Highway Commission next week for final approval. MoDot announced yesterday that citizen complaints and concerns caused the state to postpone a formal recommendation to the Commission.

To watch more stories on the Route 266 plan, click HERE . . . and HERE.

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