Monday, May 07, 2007

Huckabee's Moment?

After a few days went by for the dust to settle, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee received some heaping praise from some political commentators about his performance in the first Republican presidential candidate debate.

New York Times columnist David Brooks said he believed Huckabee did the most to elevate himself. Brooks made his comments on the News Hour with Jim Lehrer, and then later on This Week with George Stephanopoulos.

"I thought the person that helped themself the most was Mike Huckabee," said Brooks. "He came across as extremely personable."

"I think he came close to entering the top tier or really elevating himself. First of all, he was a good personality, a very relaxed, warm presence. Second thing, he actually branded himself. You know, you've got 10 guys up there. Distinguish yourself. And he actually distinguished himself as sort of a populist, straight-talking person from out in the country," Brooks added.

Columnist Mark Shields also gave Huckabee props. "Can I just say on Huckabee ... I thought Huckabee came across as authentic, as well as likeable. And then there was a naturalness to him. He answered the questions. He didn't have talking points," Shields said.

So now, what can Huckabee do with all this good buzz?

He even told us he needs to translate it into votes in Iowa.

1 comment:

Jess Connell said...

Hi, I agree about Huckabee's having helped himself by doing so well in the debates.

I am wondering why you have certain people listed with their titles and others not? For example, it is still appropriate to call him Gov. Mike Huckabee, just as people still refer to Bill Clinton as President Clinton, though he's now out of office. (Just a housekeeping issue really...)

Thanks for pointing out some good quotes about Huckabee.