Thursday, December 07, 2006

Skelton Wants Iraq Group to Testify

Incoming Armed Services Committee Chair Rep. Ike Skelton said he wants to take testimony from members of the Iraq Study Group when Congress reconvenes in January.

The St. Louis-Post Dispatch reports:

Rep. Ike Skelton, D-Mo., who will become chairman of the House Armed Services Committee next month, said he was encouraged by the panel members’ ability to agree on the recommendations. He said his committee would seek to take testimony from them, as it looked at ways to achieve the “redeployment of American forces as soon as possible.”

The has compiled a bunch of different reactions on the Iraq Study Group report. Skelton is quoted below:

"Because these recommendations have bipartisan support from the ISG, I am encouraged that bipartisan consensus might be achieved within Congress and with the administration, as well."

Meanwhile, Skelton is already rejecting a proposal by Rep. Dennis Kucinich to cut off funding for the war.

There is only one way in which the United States will withdraw from Iraq prior to the end of President Bush's term," said Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich, Ohio Democrat to The Washington Times. "Congress must vote to cut off funds."

"My only real comment is you have to support the troops," incoming House Armed Services Committee Chairman Ike Skelton said about the Kucinich proposal. The Missouri Democrat initially supported the war but now wants gradual troop withdrawal.

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