Thursday, December 07, 2006

Blunt picked for role in Governors Association

Only two years into his first term as governor, the Republican Governors Association has picked Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt as its vice chairman. Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue will be chairman.

From the A.P's story:
From April until August 2005, Blunt was the most active gubernatorial attendee at RGA's events, making six trips, more than even the group's chairman and vice chairman at the time, according to participation lists posted on the RGA's Web site. The site now includes fewer details, and Blunt's office said Monday it had no information on how many events he has attended.

It should be noted Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney is a former chairman.


Kevin Davis Jr. said...

It should also be noted that Gov. Mitt Romney is a "Presidential Candidate" for 2008, and that Gov. Matt Blunt is a member of Mitt Romney's Commonwealth PAC.

boyd said...

The Blunt machine is rolling on. You will have to admit they are ambitious. I wonder what the grey beards at SBU think about old Roy these days?