Friday, October 26, 2007

Romney Holds 9-Point New Hampshire Lead

It appears Mitt Romney has re-asserted his lead in the New Hampshire Republican presidential primary, while Fred Thompson has dropped off dramatically and Mike Huckabee has seen a surge in his national numbers.

Two new polls out from Rasmussen Reports detail the latest developments on the Republican side.

Mitt Romney 28%
Rudy Giuliani 19%
John McCain 16%
Mike Huckabee 10%
Fred Thompson 6%

The poll was taken of 733 likely GOP voters on October 23rd.

Notes: It should be noted a sizable 14% remain undecided in this unpredictable state. Thompson now has higher negative ratings than McCain here. The poll is obviously good news for Romney, but also McCain and Huckabee, who have each gained 4 points since the mid-September poll.

For the first time ever, Mike Huckabee has moved into the top 4 presidential contenders in the Rasmussen polling. The national numbers have Giuliani at the top of the pack with 20% nationwide, followed by Thompson (19%), McCain (14%), Huckabee (12%) and Romney (11%).

One set of these polls has to eventually burst. Either Rudy's national lead will eventually burst, or Romney's advantage in the early states will dwindle. Something has got to give, right? Or does it?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aside from Rudy and Mitt, why would anybody else even give a rip about New Hampshire? It's importance in the Presidential Primary race has been greatly diminished.

The real question though is why isn't Mitt 20+ points ahead? He was the Governor of a neighboring state. Apparently his neighbors are giving him a little support but weren't head over heals impressed with him.

I think it is more interesting that in the national polls Huckabee has vaulted ahead of Romney who is stuck in the 11 - 14% percent range. Doesn't exactly inspire confidence.