A group of military veterans will stop in Springfield Tuesday as part of a nationwide bus tour to talk about the dangers climate change present to national security.
"Operation Free," will hold a town hall style meeting Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. at the Goad Ballinger American Legion Post 69 at 149 Memorial Plaza in Springfield.
In conjunction with the tour, VoteVets.org is running radio ads in Springfield, Columbia, and St. Joseph featuring a local veteran urging Senators McCaskill and Bond to support clean energy legislation in Congress.
VoteVets.org, Veterans for Green Jobs and the Truman National Security Project are all sponsors of the tour. Similar stops are scheduled in St. Louis, Jefferson City and Kansas City over the next two days.
1 comment:
These rallies, paid for by those who stand to gain monetarily from the passage of cap and trade, are seeking to create the illusion of support. Reality is that most Americans do not support this legislation that will cost jobs and increase energy prices while doing nothing to help the environment. If you oppose cap and trade, make sure your voice is heard as well at http://tiny.cc/pxIgi.
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