Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Fred Thompson Polls in Missouri

He's not in yet.

Every indication is, he's getting close.

But a new SurveyUSA poll shows Fred Thompson getting beat by all 3 of the top tier Democratic candidates for President in the Show-Me State.

Now, supporters of Thompson (and the G.O.P.) will dutifully point out that it's ridiculous to gauge his support yet -- he's not even in the race! They might say, "look how well he does, without having spent a dime!" And they're probably right.

But others might question whether Thompson has the high name-identification that some have been saying he has.

Now, to the numbers in Missouri:

Hillary Clinton 49%
Fred Thompson 41%

John Edwards 53%
Fred Thompson 32%

Barack Obama 47%
Fred Thompson 41%

These numbers tell me that both Hillary and Obama could be beaten by a formidable candidate in Missouri, but what about John Edwards? Dang, he looks strong for the Dems here.

SurveyUSA polled Thompson versus the top 3 Dems in a total of 16 states. The full results are HERE.


The Libertarian Guy said...

Although I will only cast a Republican vote for Ron Paul, I do find it extremely disgusting that the LA Times would dredge up Fred Thompson's portrayal of a white supremacist on a TV show almost twenty years ago... then have the gall to say "will this affect him?"

But, hey... the modern era of nasty politics started when Bill Moyers had a hand in destroying Barry Goldwater's presidential campaign. Guess we shouldn't be surprised.

Unknown said...

I am a Republican and am supporting Ron Paul. Did like Thompson, but then found out about Ron Paul and to top that Thompson's lobbying for a Pro Abortion outfit lost it for me.