Friday, October 27, 2006

Noonan: Some in G.O.P. Hope For a Loss

The eloquent conservative writer Peggy Noonan is out with an intriguing piece about whether a G.O.P. loss this November would bolster the party politically and philosophically in the future.

"Is There Progress Through A Loss,?" is the title.

She recalls her conversation with a Republican staffer, last year:

"I said I thought the Republicans would take it on the chin in 2006, and that would force the beginning of wisdom. She surprised me. She was after all a significant staffer giving all her energy to helping advance conservative ideas within the Congress. "Yes," she said, in a quiet, deadly way. As in: I can't wait. As in: We'll get progress only through loss," writes Noonan.

"This is two weeks ago, from a Bush appointee: "I hope they lose the House." And one week ago, from a veteran of two GOP White Houses: "I hope they lose Congress." Republicans this year don't say "we" so much. What is behind this? A lot of things, but here's a central one: They want to fire Congress because they can't fire President Bush."


Matthew C. Keegan said...

These types of comments are normal. Some feel that the Democrats felt the same way with the midterm elections of 1998 when Bill Clinton was at the helm. By 2000, Gore nearly pulled off the victory although some will contend to this day that this is exactly what happened. The Article Writer

boyd said...

Hey Dave- my comment above was meant for this acticle.