Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Will Sara Lampe Have A Race?

In reviewing Rep. Sara Lampe's campaign site, much of it is leftover from the 2004 campaign, with radio ads talking about "unifying the community," and her goals for education.

Lampe still has the link up to the election night results. It was a 53% to 47% win over Republican Larry Morris. She won by 1,037 votes.

Her legislative journals are detailed and talk much about the struggle of being in the minority. From her opposition to the voter I.D. bill to her fight for an amendment to help retired teachers, much of what Lampe wants just can't be done because of pure numbers. Lampe is a Democrat in the minority, but throughout her site she stresses unity and things that can be accomplished by working with the other side.

As a 37-year resident of the 138th district and a mother of three, the theme of unity and bipartisanship was the key to much of Lampe's success last time.

She has no primary opponent, but we expect the website will be updated once the general race begins. She will face with winner of the Republican primary between Steve Helms and Michael Goodart Jr.

One Republican told me privately, "Lampe's not a priority to beat because she's helped us on stuff and isn't an agitator. Sure, we'd love a Republican, but it's not a big deal if she remains there."

But another G.O.P. insider says Steve Helms will emerge to face Lampe and will give her a run for her money. "Steve Helms is no Larry Morris and that makes a big difference. Lampe is tough, but vulnerable."


Takes two wings to fly straight said...

Lampe will win comfortably. She won last time which was a huge Republican year while this year will be much better for Democrats. She is now better known and demonstrated the good sense to vote against medicaid cuts and repeal of campaign contribution limits. Helms is her likely opponent but I don't see how he overcomes the fallout from his recent business bankruptcy as disscussed in detail on "The Turner Report" political blog. Republicans should have left her alone. Now her organization is going to be working hard to produce democratic votes in some of the best democratic precincts in the city. That will help the rest of the ticket.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the republicans will help either Helms or Goodart, regardless who wins the primary.

Helms does have a tough road to overcome with the bankruptcy news.

Morris was a weak candidate in 2002 and 2004. But strong enough to win in 2002, I know.

One thing that does affect elections down here are other ballot issues.

In the November 2000 general election in Springfield the city council put a liquor in the park issue on the ballot.

In November 2004 gay marriage was on the ballot. This not only hurt democrat candidates but also, I believe, hurt Rockaway Beach's gambling plans.

Now, The Springfield City Council has put under 21 in bars on the November ballot.

It seems to me that any issue that has a potential to threaten the council's seats is put on the ballot. Now, vicious dogs and storage containers, that's another story.


Branson Missouri said...

I have to agree with the Rebublican that commented "privately." Having spent some time speaking with her yesterday I would call her a native supporter far more than Republican or Democrat. She's very conservative on key issues (even Republicanesque). Her primary issue is education and increasing funding and improved conditions for our schools. On the issue of Gun Control Ms. Lampe noted, "I have relatives in these hills that would starve to death without there guns". I can understand why many would cross party lines to vote for her.

David Catanese said...

Tim, while most of the information in your previous post is legitimate for discussion, I cannot and will not post items that could be considered libel and/or slander. I realize that is a delicate line, and it continues to be a problem we are wrestling with on this blog, but some of the things included in your previous posts could qualify as such. So I urge you to post the information, and even your opinion, but leave out comments presuming a person is guilty.

Takes two wings to fly straight said...

Would the Republicans quit crying about the coverage. Most of the Republican bashing has been by other Republicans (Wright on Blunt) (Dunn er Trower on Denison) (Collins on Viebrock and Viebrock on Collins) If these attacks had been by Republicans on democrats you would be crying if Dave didn't run them. It is not his fault the Republican party is divided.

By the way Tim if we wanted to know the correct interpretation of Chapter 105 or 115 of the statutes pertaining to ethics we wouldn't need your interpretation we would ask Harpool because he wrote them.