Thursday, August 03, 2006

Following the Money: Post Office makes out like bandits

Money reports are in for the Missouri Ethics Commission's "8 Days before an election" period. Quick Hits:

135th: David Dunn begins the month with $3,587.96 in the bank compared to Rep. Charlie Denison's $15,537.24. Charlie got a huge boost in contributions ($11,400) including those previously mentioned in this forum from school board president Michael Hoeman and school superintendent Norm Ridder.

134th: Rep. Jim Viebrock entered the home stretch with $922.93 in the bank. Jim Collins has $524.55 cash on hand. Bob Bilyeu has $2,204.24.

More to come.

1 comment:

The Libertarian Guy said...

I have... well, let's see... enough for a book of stamps. And, some leftover yard signs.

But then, I don't get contributions, don't have an army of volunteers, nor access to PACs or lobbyists.

On the other hand, I'd never take a dime of PAC money, or from lobbyists*. The volunteers would be nice, though...

* Well, I might TAKE the money, but only once, because I wouldn't vote their way, and therefore wouldn't get future contributions from lobbyists.