Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A few comments about comments

First of all, thanks to everyone who reads, reviews and comments on the blog. We appreciate your patronage and hope we can contribute to the political dialogue in the Ozarks and across the state.

Just a brief word about comments left here. Thus far, we've let the dialogue go wherever it may. We want this forum to reflect the full spectrum of political views. Agree, disagree, undecided, red state, blue state, libertarian, green party, communist, socialist, smooth, crunchy, Pepsi, Coke -- everyone is welcome to participate and offer their opinions. You may speak as freely as you like.

That being said we do have a responsibility to keep the conversation civil. We don't want people spreading nasty rumors around here. We don't want people making accusations that can't be backed up. Policy attacks are encouraged, but personal attacks won't appear here. We want to give folks a lot of rope so I would encourage you to pick your words wisely. You can still make your point without dragging a name through the mud. Call someone out on an issue, and we'll do our best to get their response (if they don't provide one themselves).

I think most of our readers understand this. It hasn't been a problem. I' m confident it won't. I just felt you all needed to know where we're coming from.

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