Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder and political strategist Karl Rove are holding separate meetings within hours of each other in Springfield Wednesday on the ramifications of the Employee Free Choice Act.
Kinder's meeting is part of a statewide tour to promote a ballot initiative designed to protect Missouri from passage of the legislation. The meeting is sponsored by Associated Industries of Missouri and the Southwest Area Manufacturers Association, and is slated for 4:30 p.m. at the Springfield Chamber of Commerce. There is no charge for the event, but pre-registration is required.
Karl Rove is speaking to an invitation only crowd at the Loren Cook Company at 2:30. That meeting is sponsored by the Missouri Chamber of Commerce. "We will be using a number of methods to get the attention of members of Congress who are important swing votes on this matter -- and making our opinions ring as clear as a bell," wrote state Chamber president Dan Mehan. In a letter to invites, Mehan said a group of business organizations in the Midwest will be using a 527 to communicate their message through TV, radio and newspaper ads. "It is our intention to become the 'point of the spear' in the American business community's efforts to defeat these onerous new labor laws," Mehan wrote.
Former State Sen. John Loudon, who serves as chair of the "Save Our Secret Ballot" tour, said the two events are unrelated. Loudon told The Notebook that Kinder's event "is a Missouri ballot issue, theirs is designed to lobby (Sen. Claire) McCaskill to change her vote."
Loudon said that Rove's event was scheduled after the ballot initiative tour, and that "a lot of people are confused."
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