Monday, January 05, 2009

Is Kreider Too Hot To Head Ag?

Three separate Democrats tell The Notebook that Former House Speaker Jim Kreider of Nixa is "actively interested" in becoming Governor-elect Jay Nixon's Agriculture Director.
"I've heard there's definitely been an interest, and he did do a lot for Jay," says one.
"As much as I love Jim, he's not necessarily a sympathetic figure, and might have a big problem getting confirmed," he adds, listing Sen. Dan Clemens and Lieutenant Gov. Peter Kinder as potential sources of opposition.
All three said they believed Kreider may be too radioactive to be confirmed by the State Senate.
Another Springfield Democrat, who has spoken with members of Nixon's transition team, says they believe the Governor-elect is close to settling on a pick from Southeast Missouri.
Kreider may be a more likely pick for Deputy Director, since it does not require Senate approval. Jon Hagler, one of Nixon's transition directors, formerly served as Kreider's Chief of Staff, and could be a key advocate for his old boss.
Kreider did not respond to repeated calls for comment.


David Stokely said...

I support the appointment of Jim Kreider as Director for the Missouri Department of Agriculture. I have know Mr. Kreider for many years as a resident of Christian County when he represented my district in the MO House as well as a neighbor and fellow farmer. I have never met anyone that could out work or was more sincere in fulfilling his elected duties. I can personally attest that there are thousands of Christian County residents (Democrats and Republicans) that still remember, love and respect Jim for his public service. He is a devoted family man and having been raised on the family farm, certainly knows the challenges facing agricultulture in Missouri .

Jim Kreider has been active, involved and engaged in his local and State communities and would be a superior choice to lead the Department of Agriculture throught the challenges and opportunities that are ahead.

David Stokely
1141 Davis Bridge Rd
Republic, MO 65738
Christian County

Unknown said...

It's about time we have a state director of agriculture from southwest Missouri, and Jim Kreider, with his agriculture background and legislative leadership experience, is the right one for the job. And it would reflect poorly on the political maturity of those who might play grudge-match politics in the nomination and appointment process.

Unknown said...

As former Speaker Jim has been able to work with both sides of the isle and accomplish what is for our state. Sen Clemens should forget 2002 and use this opportunity to give Southwest Missouri the Agriculture voice that we need. The farmers of our state need someone who will stand and fight and not bow to corporate agriculture. Jim will protect the family farmers and the consumers!

Busplunge said...

Fred Ferrell
Katie Smith
Don Steen

Some political junkies recognize those names but for most of us it is, "Who are those people?"

Well, one liked wet tee shirt contests, one consumed agriculture products and one has had an ongoing relationship with turkeys for over 35 years.

And all three of them have been Directors of the Department of Agriculture in the last 18 or so months.

What with all the shuffling around of directors, it is easy to see how no one really had any institutional knowledge of the department--remember the butter battle of last December.

Missouri law says the Director of the Department of Agriculture has to be a working farmer.

Jim Kreider is a working farmer who knows his way around Jefferson City. He knows how things get done.

Yeah, I know there is a difference between knowing how things get done and getting things done.

For eight years, including two as Speaker of the House, Jim Kreider showed us down here in SW MO that he could not only get things donw but that he cared about us.

I am confident that he will bring that same dedication to duty to the Department of Agriculture.

The Retired Teachers Association's loss (Jim is the Executive Director of the Missouri Retired Teachers Association)would be the Agriculture Department and Missouri's gain.

MissK said...

It seems to me that Jim Kreider is the obvious choice for the Department of Agriculture but some people are running scared of a karoake singing, wannabe cowboy from Marshfield. Jim Kreider has experience with government, a degree in Agricultural Business, and has been helping the people of Southwest Missouri for eighteen years. If the only obstacle for this appointment is a state senator who has done nothing but sing karaoke and drink in Jefferson City, it is a sad world. We need our Governor-elect to stand up and follow through with his promise of change for the better. Jim Kreider has helped Missouri citizens for years, we should be begging for more time with him as a leader.

Unknown said...

As a former employee of the Missouri Department of Agriculture I know and understand the position. NO ONE is better qualified to be Director than Jim Kreider. Jim has been a life long farmer and knows the political process, he would be the BEST choice.

Unknown said...

I worked for the MDA for 6 years and know the workings. Jim Kreider is the best man for the job. What an opportunity for our State to have a man who knows and understands Agriculture and Politics. Jim is right man at the right time.