Thursday, October 25, 2007

Blunt Sued for Immigration Raid

Missouri Governor Matt Blunt is being sued for racial discrimination and abuse of power for firing a janitorial service that employed illegal immigrants.

The Governor is calling the lawsuit "ludicrous"and is defending the action he took last March against Sam's Janitorial Services.

Officers arrested 25 company employees during a sting at a state office building in Jefferson City. According to the lawsuit, just 8 of them face charges of forging work visas. The janitorial service claims Governor Blunt exceeded his powers when he canceled the janitorial contract and barred the company from future state work.

Blunt's office said that of the 22 arrested, seven were immediately deported, 11 were charged and the status of the remaining four is pending the conclusion of an investigation.

“It is ludicrous to believe that Missourians would want their taxpayer dollars paying to support illegal activity. I implemented a statewide ban on contractors who knowingly hire illegal workers and am confident our state is better served through this action," Gov. Blunt said in a statement.

“I am pleased to defend my executive order, which safeguards taxpayer dollars, with Sam’s Janitorial Services in a courtroom or anywhere else. Missouri is benefiting from my directive which reflects my belief that it is inappropriate for Sam’s Janitorial Services or any other state contractor to knowingly hire illegal workers," he said.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think it's great that the Governor has the gusto to step forward with legislation to protect us. I grew up in Missouri, where illegal immigration wasn't a problem, joined the military, served honorably, and moved to California when I got out. My experience with illegal immigration was VERY different there. I was a meter reader for Southern California Edison, so I got to see a major portion of Orange County by foot. There are a lot of neighborhoods that are completely trashed (I.E. garbage in the streets, homes wrecked, etc.) by the children of the hard working immigrants who have come here for a better life. I have spoken to many elderly people who have told me that the neighborhoods and houses used to be "so nice". One lady even had a backyard with four pit bulls that she could not control. Her son had to come to feed and clean up after them. She was afraid of the "good people here for a better life." Or at least their gang member children. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of hard working, very nice people from other countries living there. But the cons outweigh the pros. There are drive by shootings where innocent servicemembers have been killed after having served in the desert, just because they were in the wrong place during a turf war or whatever the kids were fighting over. That disgusts me. If their illegal parents had never been allowed to have children in the U.S., those people would not be dead now. I know it seems like I'm rambling, but believe me when I say there are many, many bad things going on because of illegals. And don't try to tell me Americans won't do the jobs that illegals will. I'm sure many of us have bucked hay in the fields, planted crops, worked at car washed and restaurants, etc. Well, in California, they believe that we are too good to do those jobs. That's a load of bunk. If there were no illegals, there would be jobs for the children of the "priveledged" rich people, so they may learn the value of working for their own money. That's another problem that has been created out there. There are a lot of young people who don't know the meaning of work because they just don't have to. Courtesy of the illegals manning the fields, car washes, restaurants, and many other menial jobs that have taught a lot of us our work ethic, and to appreciate the jobs that we have now.
Until I seen the videos of Ron Paul, I wasn't even planning to vote for President. That's how much I think about our politicians now. They have no spine for enforcing laws that we already have on the books that deal with illegal immigrants. And when asked whether they are going to fix the problem, they either flat out say no, side step the issue, or try the standard, "it's too big of a problem to deal with now!"

I say GOOD FOR YOU Mr. Blunt!!! We need more officials to do what you are doing. Not just with the janitorial service, but with many things you've done for us. Thank you!