Monday, September 24, 2007

True or False?

Answer privately in your head, or share your thoughts . . .

True or False

1. The only issue preventing Governor Matt Blunt from a safe re-election next year is the Medicaid cuts of 2005.

2. A 2008 general election match-up of Hillary Clinton versus Rudy Giuliani would divide the country and polarize political debate, while a Barack Obama versus John McCain match-up would lift up the country and elevate the debate.

3. Columbia University was courageous and correct to allow Iranian President Ahmadinejad to speak on its campus.

4. John Ashcroft was right to keep the media from recording his recent speech at Missouri State University, and the school was right to return a recording of that speech.

5. Iowa will be more important than ever in the 2008 presidential process -- even with many states moving up their primaries to February 5th or before.


James said...

1. False, for several essential reasons.

First, numberous scandals in the blunt administration (remember ferrel? and the latest email scams, etc) are also hurting his reelection chances.

Second, Jay Nixon has a well-known name, and has increased popularity since his 1998 Senate Big.

Third, the most recent health care program doesn't truly make up for the cuts.

Fourth, Missouri traditionally is always close in most races, and unlike Mel Carnahan, blunt just hasn't connected with MO voters.

2. False, Hillary and Rudy are both fairly socially liberal. However, the divide between rich and poor would be greatly shown in the voting.

However, it can also be true on the second part. McCain is "old" and Obama is "young" perhaps a generational divide.

3. True

4. True, Ashcroft had every right to do that.

5. Not sure

Branson Missouri said...

Just wanted to say congrats on your nomination!

boyd said...

1. False

We don't need another Blunt or Clinton or Bush or Kennedy.

2. False

No good choice in either party




Private citizen


Current primary system is losing credibility