Friday, September 07, 2007

Nixon Campaigns in the Ozarks Saturday

Attorney General Jay Nixon will campaign for Governor in southwest Missouri Saturday, making stops Houston and West Plains to raise money.

Nixon will begin the afternoon at the St. James Fall Wine and Grape Festival at 1 p.m. From 3-4 p.m., Nixon will attend a fundraiser at the Houston Storm Shelter in Houston, Mo. At 5 p.m., he's due at the People's Park Pavilion on West Broadway in West Plains.

1 comment:

James said...

Nixon has a slight edge in the 2008 contest, but he can't take it for granted. I would say average the SUSA and Rasmussen Poll shows about where he is.

He needs to make sure he can keep the urban base and not get killed in rural areas. He is likely more popular then Claire in rural areas (also the governorship is less ideological then the US Senate), but he is not as popualar in the urban areas of the state due to his testy relationship with blacks.