Thursday, August 23, 2007

Blunt Appoints Property Rights Czar

Governor Matt Blunt appointed a state Eminent Domain Ombudsman today to safeguard property rights.

Paul Anthony Martin, a Washington prosecutor for the U.S. Office of Special Counsel was named to the position today.

“I signed legislation protecting Missourians’ property rights and creating a careful balance to ensure eminent domain may only be used when there is a clear and direct public purpose,” Gov. Blunt said. “Anthony Martin will be an advocate for property rights and will enforce our state’s strong laws protecting property owners from eminent domain abuse. Now in addition to fair protections under the law, property rights and laws in Missouri have a full time advocate in their corner.”

New eminent domain laws created the Eminent Domain Ombudsman position. The position is within the office of Public Counsel within the Department of Economic Development. Martin will travel throughout the state to enforce the landowner bill of rights.


Matt said...

Here's what I don't get Dave. Maybe you can help me: Czars didn't work in Russia. But yet when we want to place someone over a problematic area in our nation, we call them a "czar". If the Czars in Russia had a better track record, I could understand it.

Maybe the name sounds too cool to resist, and maybe it looks great on a business card.

The Libertarian Guy said...

Not big on the term "czar" - especially "Drug Czar" - but at least property rights is getting some attention.