Thursday, July 19, 2007

A Money Game Changer?

The Missouri Supreme Court reinstated campaign contribution limits on Thursday. The court unanimously overturned a lower court judge who threw out a fund-raising ban for elected officials during legislative sessions. The judge had kept intact the overall repeal of Missouri's individual contribution limits.

The ruling comes just days after the 2nd quarter fundraising period reports, which indicated historic fundraising efforts by the state's two top candidates for Governor.

The Supreme Court says the legislative history of the bill indicates lawmakers wouldn’t have repealed contribution limits without a donation blackout period.

1 comment:

Matt said...

While the Supreme Court's issue was far more narrow than the direction I'm taking this story, their decision is still a good turn for most citizens. Those limits were in place for a reason. Removing them doesn't bode well for the health of the political discourse in our state. It was nothing less than an egregious assault on our representative form of government. What message did this send? That someone with money willing to give equals access; the more money one gives, the more access one gets. That's always been the case but at least the limits kept some semblance of equality.