Friday, March 30, 2007

$21.4 B Budget Clears House; Lampe Says It Shortchanges Education

The state House passed a $21.4 billion dollar state budget in Jefferson City Thursday.

What does that mean for you?

The Republicans would note that the budget includes big increases for Medicaid and education.

But Democrats call it a budget of "misplaced priorities and broken promises."

Democrats make the case that it would take $155.8 million dollars in general revenue to undo the Medicaid cuts of 2005. They say in this budget, House Republicans are choosing to leave $200 million dollars on the table.

Rep. Sara Lampe takes aim at the budget's additional $132 million in direct aid to local schools. She said that number falls in the usual range of increases education has received over the years. "As a result this year's appropriation represents the bare minimum expected and isn't a true increase in the state's commitment to public education," said Rep. Sara Lampe.

"We were told two years ago that it was necessary to cut 180,000 Missourians from health care to fund education," Lampe said. "But that money never went to education, it went to somewhere else."

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