Friday, June 02, 2006

Blunt: Values More Vital Than National Security

Governor Matt Blunt was the opening act for Jim Talent's official re-election campaign announcement in Springfield today. He came out swinging, taking jabs at McCaskill just like the old days.

Blunt took McCaskill to task for opposing some of President Bush's tax cuts, the energy bill and a gay marriage ban. The most surprising part of the speech is when Blunt was transitioning between two separate attacks. Blunt said that even more vital than economic and national security issues . . . are value issues. Post 9-11, you don't often hear any politician say anything is more important than national security . . . ever.

Blunt then lashed out at McCaskill for not supporting a constitutional ban on gay marriage. McCaskill has said she's against gay marriage, but not for a constitutional ban. But Blunt said the key test is: Will a candidate do anything to stop it?

He also questioned McCaskill's national security creds, calling her Iraq redeployment plan, "Howard Dean's retreat and defeat."

McCaskill's camp said she only opposed the energy bill because it included massive tax breaks for oil companies. McCaskill told me she opposed the recent Bush tax cuts because she believes they mostly benefit the wealthy.

No word on whether she believes values issues are more vital than national security issues, or even if Senator Talent believes that.


Anonymous said...

I'm always amazed when canidates talk about national sercurity while allowing 10 to 20 million people to invade our country. During the last 50 years we have protected the borders of Germany and South Korea but have refused to protect ours.

Anonymous said...

Nice analysis except the jab at the end regarding why Claire might be against drilling in ANWR.

The reality is that while China is allowed to drill off our coast for more oil to satisfy their needs and keep their cost down, we are held in check by thirty year old regulations and environmental specialist groups.

It would be nice for you to point out that the same bill which has "tax breaks" for oil companies would be those same tax breaks, revamped regulations and exploration which would allow them to expand refining and drop our end user cost.

So while I think your story was okay over all here - please talk about the entire impact of a bill, not the talking points of a particular party.


Anonymous said...

Hey Boyd,

Talent voted against the Senate bill. Check yer voting charts. Talent is not for amnesty.