Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bond & McCaskill Split on Conceal & Carry Vote


Missouri's U.S. Senators split on a vote today that would have allowed gun owners to carry their weapons across state lines.
But state laws vary on how tough it is to get a permit.
Under Senate rules, the amendment needed a 60 vote majority.
It won just 58 votes -- Sen. Kit Bond voted FOR it; Sen. Claire McCaskill voted AGAINST it.

Read the entire vote list HERE (via the uber-helpful SenateFloor Twitter feed).

McCaskill said Monday that she would vote against the Thune amendment, noting that gun laws should remain a state issue.

McCaskill is quoted in Roll Call saying: "This is part of what we signed up for. You can’t make everyone happy on anything. I think that’s called being a moderate. Both ends are mad."

The Washington Post's take: "Sens. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) and George V. Voinovich (R-Ohio) voted against the measure despite their previous support for gun-rights legislation that would gut the District's strict handgun laws."

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