Sunday, April 06, 2008

Decision '08: Republic's Tax Trade-Off

Should the city raise its sales tax for economic development?
A unique ballot issue faces Republic voters Tuesday. They're being asked to raise the sales tax in the city by three-eighths of a cent in exchange for a 75% reduction in property taxes. Call it a tax trade-off.
You can watch my KY3 News @ 10 report HERE.
In other words, voters will go to the polls to decide whether to be taxed more for the things they buy, and less for the things they own. Any tax issue is tough to pass, and this economic environment doesn't make it any easier. The Mayor predicts it will be a 52%-48% type of issue and he says he's "cautiously optimistic."

***Observation: Maybe the "voter turnout" prediction that the media obsessively fixates on is "low" because we spend more time covering the clerk's (sometimes unreliable) prediction than any of the issues being voted on?

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