Friday, February 22, 2008

OA: Nixon Owes Taxpayers $8,600 for Car

Attorney General Jay Nixon must reimburse the state $8,618 for his use of a taxpayer-owned vehicle during political trips, according to the Office of Administration.

The request comes today from Commissioner Mike Keathley, who asked that Auditor Susan Montee look into Nixon's use of a state vehicle.

"Jay Nixon underpaid the taxpayers of our state by thousands of dollars and he should immediately pay what he owes for the political use of his taxpayer-funded vehicle," said Office of Administration spokesperson Rich AuBuchon. “Auditor Montee has provided a good review based on the limited information she acquired,” AuBuchon added.

"We cannot conclude with certainty that the state was fully reimbursed for the non-official use of a state vehicle and office staff from November 2004 through October 2007,” Auditor Montee wrote. “An exact amount cannot be determined due to inadequate records or lack of records. Although some of the assumptions used by your campaign staff to determine the reimbursement amount may be questionable, other methods may not produce results that are more reliable or acceptable because of lack of records,” the letter said.

Republicans are pouncing on all of this. “Jay Nixon lied to Missouri taxpayers about the amount of money that he had stolen from them to help finance his political career. Nixon provided a false number to the public and the media in a desperate attempt to cover up his malfeasance. And despite her best attempt to try and provide political cover for Nixon with her politically-motivated audit released just yesterday, Montee has been forced to bust Jay Nixon,” said Paul Sloca, spokesperson for the Missouri Republican Party.

1 comment:

advocate said...

Sloca... Do you really think he LIED? I would think a lack of organization skills be more accurate assessment to what really happened. At least that's how the White House officials tend to handle their lies.