Monday, September 10, 2007

Skelton Takes Center Stage on Iraq Report

Rep. Ike Skelton is taking center stage at today's hearing on General David Patraeus' report on Iraq.

The hearing got off to a bumpy start with microphone problems and the ejection of several protesters.

You could see the frustration on Skelton's face because of the delays.

"We mean business. This is a very important hearing. We're not about to have this nonsense go on now or later," Rep. Skelton told the protesters, who began shouting and holding up anti-war signs.

General Patraeus began his report by basically saying the surge of troops into Iraq over the last few months has worked.

"The military objective of the surge are in large measures being met," Patraeus said.

He said while the military improvements are "uneven," he said security incidents are down over the last eight to 12 weeks.

He said that's because U.S. troops have delivered a "significant blow to Al Qaeda Iraq."

Developing . . .

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