Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Bond Defends Mexican Truckers

Some members of the U.S. Senate are seeking to block a Bush administration program that will allow trucks from 100 Mexican companies into the United States in a one-year period.

Some lawmakers feel the pilot program could endanger American drivers and are trying to block federal money from being spent on the program.

But Sen. Kit Bond is defending the program.

Here's the excerpt from McClatchy Newspapers:

"But Sen. Kit Bond, R-Mo, one of the Senate's leaders on transportation issues, defended the program and said Mexican trucking companies permitted to operate in the United States have safety records comparable to firms north of the border. U.S. inspectors will evaluate trucks and drivers before they enter the United States, he said.Moreover, Bond said, Mexican drivers must speak English, pass drug and alcohol tests and abide by federal safety regulations."

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